Pissing Fire Herbal Tea
This blend of herbs is known for its antibacterial properties and are supportive to the urinary system. Users report relieft from bladder infections- burning, urgency and frequency. “Thank you- I loved this tea. I frequently suffer from bladder infections and everytime I get one I take an antibiotic, then I get a yeast infection so I have to take something for that! This got rid of my bladder infection and I didn’t get a yeast infection!” – Kayla, 24, MI Ingredients: Organic - uva ursi leaf, marshmallow root, cornsilk, parsley leaf, rose hips, dandelion leaf, meadowsweet, licorice root, cramp bark, echinacea herbOrganic tea and herbs raised without chemicals or radiation. 45 Servings; Loose Leaf Tea *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.