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Cassia Cinnamon Powder

Cassia Cinnamon Powder


Some possible uses for Cassia Cinnamon

  • Cooking and Baking: Cassia cinnamon is a popular spice used in cooking and baking to add flavor and aroma to dishes. It is commonly used in both sweet and savory recipes, such as cinnamon rolls, apple pies, curries, and stews.

  • Beverages: Cassia cinnamon is often added to hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate for flavor enhancement. It is also used in making spiced drinks like mulled wine and cider.

  • Spice Blends: Cassia cinnamon is a key ingredient in many spice blends, such as pumpkin spice and chai masala, which are used to season various foods and drinks.

  • Preservation: Historically, cinnamon was used as a preservative due to its antimicrobial properties. While this use is less common today, it still plays a role in some preservation methods, particularly in certain cuisines and traditional food preparation techniques.

  • Medicinal Purposes: Cassia cinnamon has been used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Some people consume it as a dietary supplement, although its effectiveness for various health conditions is still being studied.

  • Aromatherapy and Home Fragrance: Cassia cinnamon's warm and spicy scent makes it a popular choice for aromatherapy and home fragrance products like candles, potpourri, and essential oils.

  • Personal Care Products: Cassia cinnamon is sometimes used in personal care products like soaps, lotions, and perfumes for its fragrance and potential skin benefits.


How Cassia differs from its counterparts


  • Flavor and Aroma: Cassia cinnamon has a stronger, more intense flavor compared to Ceylon cinnamon. It tends to be sweeter and spicier with a bold, aromatic profile. In contrast, Ceylon cinnamon has a milder, subtly sweet flavor with delicate citrusy notes.

  • Appearance: Cassia cinnamon sticks are thicker and harder than Ceylon cinnamon sticks. They have a rougher texture and reddish-brown color. In contrast, Ceylon cinnamon sticks are thinner, softer, and have a lighter brown color with a more delicate texture.

  • Coumarin Content: One of the significant differences between cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon is their coumarin content. Coumarin is a compound found in cinnamon that can be harmful to the liver in high doses. Cassia cinnamon contains higher levels of coumarin compared to Ceylon cinnamon. Thus, consuming large amounts of cassia cinnamon may pose a higher risk of adverse effects.

  • Origin and Growing Conditions: Cassia cinnamon primarily comes from the cassia tree (Cinnamomum cassia), which is native to China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. On the other hand, Ceylon cinnamon comes from the Ceylon cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum), also known as true cinnamon, and is native to Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). The growing conditions and terroir can influence the flavor and aroma of the cinnamon.

  • Cost: Cassia cinnamon is generally more widely available and less expensive compared to Ceylon cinnamon. This is partly because cassia cinnamon trees are easier to cultivate and have higher yields.


Spice Jarweight: 1.9 oz (53 g)

Comes in a clear glass jar, opening is for pouring and sifting

Height: 4.1" diameter: 2.0"

  • product specs

     Glass Jar

  • Organic

    Product has been raised and processed without the use of chemicals or irradiation


    Choosing organic spices can offer several potential benefits, including:


    Avoiding Pesticide Residues: Organic spices are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or herbicides. By choosing organic, you reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemical residues that can remain on conventionally grown spices.

    Preserving Soil Health: Organic farming practices focus on maintaining soil health and fertility through techniques like crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control. This helps to preserve the long-term viability of agricultural land and promotes biodiversity.

    Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming methods typically have lower environmental impacts compared to conventional agriculture. By choosing organic spices, you support farmers who prioritize sustainability, conservation, and ecological balance.

    Reducing Environmental Pollution: Organic farming practices minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can contribute to water pollution, soil degradation, and harm to non-target organisms. By opting for organic spices, you indirectly contribute to reducing environmental pollution.

    Potential Health Benefits: Some studies suggest that organic foods may contain higher levels of certain nutrients and antioxidants. Additionally, avoiding exposure to synthetic pesticides may have potential long-term health benefits

    Taste and Flavor: Some people prefer the taste and flavor of organic spices, attributing it to factors such as soil quality, growing conditions, and the absence of synthetic additives. While taste is subjective, many individuals find that organic spices have a more vibrant and nuanced flavor profile.

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