Goldenrod tea from fall to spring
makes me pee and helps me sing
Goldenrod tea from spring to fall
cleanses my kidneys, urine and all
Goldenrod tea when red sets in to the leaves
clears my throat and stops the sneeze
Goldenrod tea un-stuffs my nose
it takes the puffy from my toes
Goldenrod tea for when my feet swell
or flaky red skin makes my smile dwell
Goldenrod poultice to a fresh scrape or a cut
and then back to tea for an achy gut
-Grams Grumblings
Goldenrod is favored for it's affinity to the urinary, respiratory and digestive systems. It is known for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
Swelling, joint pain, skin rashes, gravel or bacteria in urine, sinus congestion, wounds, mouth sores, sore throats, loss of voice have been treated for centuries with goldenrod tea.

Fall is welcomed with beautiful flowering goldenrod in fog covered fields.
For me... harvest is a spiritual experience.
I'm continuously amazed by the beauty of each species.... they are true individuals.
Noting how each plant grow as the days pass by- some seem to grow before your eyes.
I give thanks to the earth for providing us with it's wonders and nourishment
Much time can be enjoyed watching the bees collecting pollen from the vibrant yellow flowers. Butterflies flutter about... as if you are in a fairy tale.
We assure to leave plenty behind for the ever busy pollinators.
I prefer a morning harvest, after the dew has dried.
Late August to early September, before the flowers are in full bloom. We collect the aerial part (top 2/3) of the plant.
Gather into small bunches.
Tie with twine.
Hang to dry for a few weeks until they are crispy.
Crumble up and store in air tight dark container.
Or- we offer some in our shop if you prefer- dried and ready to steep into a perfect cup of tea.
I prefer a tablespoon of herb to 8 oz of water. Add some local honey if you like.
We offer local honey in our shop. Some have had their hives placed specifically in goldenrod fields. Look for the "goldenrod honey"- (supplies are limited)
Visit us or click the link below for online purchase.

and of course- the disclaimer
Of course we would love to help, however.....
we can not recommend what or how much of something you should use.
Thank you for not asking, it makes us feel bad!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claim to their ability to treat or cure any medical condition. This product is not to replace the care of a doctor. This information is for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advise. Consult with your doctor before starting any dietary supplements, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if any adverse effects occur.