Somehow I have managed to catch a winter bug! I'm not surprised; it seems like everyone I talk with has at least a cough or a sniffle that won't go away! Maybe some flu bugs blew in with the winter storm that came through these past few days... in any case, whenever I feel a cold coming on, I break out my elderberry syrup!
Elderberries are praised by herbalists for their incredible benefits to the respiratory and immune system. There is evidence that elderberries were being used in Ancient Egypt, and perhaps even in prehistoric times! Hippocrates described elderberries as his "medicine chest," because the plant can be used for so many different purposes! Nowadays, it is very popular to use in syrup form when fighting off respiratory infections, flus, and colds. Why is this? Because elderberries may:
Boost the immune system
Be useful for anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities
Help lessen the duration of sinus inflections, colds, and flu
Ease symptoms of allergies

Elderberry syrup is very easy to make and use! At Those Nature People, we have made it even easier by putting together a Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup Kit! There as many, many different recipes for elderberry syrup online, but most of them contain these ingredients, which you can find in our DIY kit:
Dried elderberries
Ginger root
Whole cloves
Cinnamon pieces
Raw honey (not included in kit)
The amount of each ingredient that goes in the syrup also varies from recipe to recipe! You can see in our kit that we provide about and equal amount of ginger, clove, and cinnamon, and a bit more elderberries. Some people use mostly elderberries, and then add a certain amount of teaspoons or tablespoons of the spices... Some people use powdered spices as well! All this is up to you!
Mix contents of the jar (elderberries, cinnamon pieces, cloves, and ginger root) with 2 cups of water in a saucepan.
Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced by half (30-40 minutes).
Strain elderberries and spices out with a muslin bag (provided in the kit!)
Cool to room temperature.
Add 1/2 cup raw honey of your choice.
Return contents to jar. (If you use our DIY kit, you will make just enough to refill the jar the supplies comes in!)
Store in the fridge for the duration of the season!
Elderberry syrup can be used on toast and pancakes, or taken by the spoonful! It is recommended to take around 1 tsp for children, and 1 Tbsp for adults once a day during cold season to support the immune system during cold season. If you are feeling under the weather, you can take the recommended amount every few hours.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claim to their ability to treat or cure any medical condition. This product is not to replace the care of a doctor. This information is for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advise. Consult with your doctor before starting any dietary supplements, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if any adverse effects occur.